Sunday, November 13, 2016

Playing the Cancer Card?

When the events of the world around me are just too horrific to bear, like when a racist misogynistic fascist gets elected supreme US leader, I just turn inward and focus on myself. As I've said before, aside from a right boob that is alternately numb or hypersensitive (was that TMI?) things are really not so bad.

A friend of mine, who has gone through this whole breast-cancer badness gambit, reminded me that there are, in fact, some remarkable advantages to having cancer:

1. Friends give you candy, flowers, books & booze.
2. You get to test-drive all the best narcotics & be on a first-name basis with your pharmacist.
3. You find out who your friends really are (forgive the grammar).
4. You tend not to stress so much about the small shit (and it's all small shit).
5. You can always use "But I have cancer," as an excuse for most anything.

My husband has reminded me that since my surgical interlude, I can't play the cancer card anymore, because now I don't "have" cancer (just a incrementally immense propensity, as opposed to anyone else). But it certainly can come in handy....Not that I would play that hand.


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