Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dodging a Bullet?

This Halloween was the happiest I can remember (short of the time that all the people left bowls of candy on their doorsteps, and asked us to take only one...ha!)...but I digress.

Rich & I met with the Oncology Doctor on Halloween (cue the triumphal moving theme), and she agreed with my interpretation of the lab tests: NO CHEMO!!! Done! No radiation......nothing, well, except for reconstructing this slightly deflated boob in the months ahead and taking a daily medication.

Said medication is Arimidex@, which serves to stop estrogen production, that potentially could feed clandestine ninja cancer cells lurking about, and starve the bastards out.  Way too easy, right? One pill, once a day....for FIVE YEARS...maybe TEN, depending on ever-changing long-term studies. But still real good. I'm pleased.

Dodged that bullet.

Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Sooo glad to hear that everything went the best that it could have and that you will be cancer-free soon! Hope all else is going well with you and Uncle Rich. Hope to see you on the next go around when you come into town.
