There’s an old adage, that on one’s deathbed, there are no regrets about not having spent more time at work. The
message being that there are more enjoyable pursuits, and that one would never consider “work” as a worthy
venture. I beg to differ.
Although I struggle for legal tender in a variety of means , I define myself as an ED Nurse. And while it’s true that not all my professional
time is worthy of a Lifetime movie, there are moments that I’ll always remember
as “personal bests, ” and those moments required my physical presence doing the
job. I don’t regret the time there. Of course, even the best day in the ED will
always get beat by an afternoon on a
white sand beach, gazing at the horizon while holding a mai-tai. I’m not completely
One of my favorite Twilight Zone Episodes places a man in
newfound possession of a stopwatch that stops time, giving him unlimited opportunity
to do anything. Imagine if time was
not a limiting factor in your accomplishments: I could finally learn Spanish
(and French and Japanese); learn the guitar (and the ukulele, piano and cello-the
Game of Thrones theme is the best); write
a breathtaking novel; travel everywhere; study important scientific things (Quantum
Physics, comes to mind). As it is…I try to accomplish what I have to, and most
everything else gets placed on the back-burner. Boy, if I didn’t have to
concern myself with ensuring a supply of clean underwear in this house, I could
really be an earth-shaker!
More realistically, and for the short-term, I’d like to
focus on learning how to:
1. pick a lock.
2. hot-wire a car.
3. Tokyo-drift and spin 180 degrees.
4. flip a butterfly knife.
5. throw knives (pretty much do anything dangerous with
6. wield a light saber.
7. use the power of
the Force.
8. ensure fully-funded education, housing and heath-care for all.
9. create world peace
10, discover the cure for cancer.
There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish what I’d
like to do. I’ve always said my motto
was “That which does not destroy me, makes me stronger,” but I think I want to
change it to “Just get shit done.” You can always sleep when you’re dead.