Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Does Cancer Make You More Profound?

To paraphrase Jane Austin, "It is a truth universally acknowledged," that a woman with breast cancer, must now acclaim deep and poignant wisdom on life and the meaning thereof.  "However little known the feelings or views of such a woman may be on first" being diagnosed, "this truth is so well fixed in the minds" of her surrounding friends, that she is considered a learned sage. (Pride & Prejudice, p. 1)

Now, I understand the connection between having a life-threatening illness and attempting to act as the intermediary between the living and the dead, by trying to solve all of the mysteries of existence....hopefully before your own potential demise. A tall order, indeed, but who knows?  Just because no one else has ever been able to fully complete the task on deadline, there's no saying I can't....right?

Personally, I think I talk some pretty good shit. I'd like to think that most everything I say is riddled with weighty import and should be made into a Hallmark card, or at the very least, a viral meme. In truth, I know that getting hit with the cancer-stick has not made me any more perceptive, but has simply given me a more precise focus and a ready cyber platform, along with a wonderful diversion. And, an overly receptive audience that already loves me. Thanks.

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