Monday, October 17, 2016

Size Matters....

One week after a relatively big-time surgical procedure, I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. And it has.

My surgeon called with the pathology results this afternoon, and the numbers are in: T3, N0, M0. What this translates to is: T3: the size of the assorted bits of cancer badness scattered throughout my right breast was over a space of 6cm; and even though that wasn't a solid bunch of shit, it still counts....The N0 and M0 mean that there's no spread to lymph nodes, or other organ systems (metastasis)....that's good.

So what's next? There's a more precise analysis (Oncotype DX) of my right boob, lying on a slab somewhere, to be done wherein the exact genetic  findings will guide a more individualized approach to potential therapies.....the test won't be back for 2 weeks however, so until then...more waiting....and the existing boob gets incrementally filled-up for the silicone changeover to come.

I'm hoping for a low score (18 or less) which will mean only hormone therapy (oral meds) for the next five years, along with a more perfect right 38C. A higher score?.........That's nothing I want to consider or speak of, just yet. I hope you understand.

love to all


  1. For someone I've known nearly 40 years, I'm just going to say I love you and miss you too.

  2. ok your blog beats mine hands down, I love it! So much advancement since 10 years ago, you can oncotype and individualize therapy? Hoping for a low score.

  3. Boobs are over rated anyway!
