But, to go all Shakespearean on you, "alas, my precarious situation, is engendered by a sense of foreboding." In medicine, we refer to it as a "sense of impending doom." You see, my definitive test results (Oncotype DX Breast Reoccurrence Score), along with an appointment with a renowned oncologist, occur on Halloween....10 days away. These results will ultimately be read as a number between 1 and 100. If that number is ↓18, then there’s "little to no chemotherapy benefit, as there’s a low risk of distant reoccurrence," and only hormone therapy will entail. If the number is between 18-30, likewise, there is "no substantial chemotherapy benefit, "and again, only hormone therapy will be necessary.
But if the number is ↑31,
the studies have shown that chemo does have a "significant statistical
benefit." And then a new nightmare
Interestingly, my plastics MD said my ultimate reconstruction wouldn't be until after about 3 months of the last fill...that works out to about Valentine's Day. My surgeon said if it comes down to getting chemo, it would start about 4 weeks after surgery and last about 12 weeks...which works out, again to Valentine's Day. Either way, I'm gonna need a shit-load of chocolate.
So, I wait….and everyday I think about the possibilities, and it terrifies me.
Well the semi (sweet) good news is that either way, chocolate is a welcomed gift. So, what kind do you like?