Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Day 3: The Aftermath...

WARNING: This post contains graphic descriptions of anatomical features, such as "nipple," and may be offensive to those who are whinny little bitches.

So, here's the skinny on this whole breast cancer thing: in the old days, everything was gone in one fell swoop, you went from Marilyn Monroe to an Amazon faster than you could say "general anesthetic." Today, there is a kinder, gentler approach where only the truly misbehaving underlying tissue is taken off the reservation and exiled. That's where I fit in....thankfully.

But this approach is not unproblematic, especially in someone (like me) who has already had their furniture re-arranged (eg: boob reduction). In my case, this new ongoing design process requires the surgeon's skilled and creative touch. You see, in order to preserve the blood supply to aforementioned re-arranged nipple, not only is vascular manipulation required, but also a pharmacological adjunct in the form of topically-applied nitroglycerin cream. Sounds simple so far, right? Except this NTG, just like it's explosive counterpart is MAKING THE TOP OF MY HEAD EXPLODE! It's action is that of necessary vasodilation (making the boob's expanded blood vessels feed the nipple-age), but drugs are systemic, and the vessels in my delicate frontal lobe are maxed out....sigh...Small price to pay for the future semblance of normal breast anatomy...I know, I know.....but, there that.

In counterbalance, the boob doesn't really hurt much...just kinda sore. Really. Sure I can't do marine push-up's or, well, reach for something above my head, but overall, really not too bad. I tried the infamous "Norco" pain pills, the MD's supplied, but it just makes me sleepy. I'm working on the precise CR-pharma-formula (I'm sure it will have a vintage year in the title, with an Ativan chaser). 

Love to all...

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