Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Lucky Hand?

Today, I had an appointment with my Plastics MD....and guess what? She had the results of the mysterious OncoType DX test....4 days before my scheduled appointment with the Oncology MD. (Cue ominous music......)

If you recall, these results are read as a number between 1 and 100. If that number is 18, then there’s "little to no chemotherapy benefit, as there’s a low risk of distant reoccurrence," and only hormone therapy will entail. If the number is between 18-30, likewise, there is "no substantial chemotherapy benefit," and again, only hormone therapy will be necessary. A number 31 means that chemo does have a "significant statistical benefit."

My result?     21......make that "Lucky 21?"

Granted, I'm "just a nurse," and must wait for the physician's interpretation and recommendations on Monday. I just hope she concurs with mine.



  1. Holy mother of fucking shit, that just sounds like crazy good news! It's awesome to be 21! I bet a nice glass of wine and some other sweet indulgence will bring that number down even more. Oh wait...magical thinking. Fuck it. Have a drink! LOVE YOU!
